

Node.js' Built-in SQLite Support

Getting up to speed on the new SQLite module in Node.js

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Node.js version 22.5.0 was recently released bringing various fixes and improvements. This release also brings an experimental SQLite module.With the introduction of the new built-in SQLite module, Node.js becomes even more versatile.

Does this mean you need to dump your favorite ORM? No, but it does offer a compelling, built-in option for small to medium-sized applications, prototyping, and testing.

Let’s dive in a see how we can start using the SQLite module.

Table of contents

Warning: Experimental

Everything in this tutorial could be out of date by the time you read it. As of v22.5.1, this information is up to date. The SQLite module is under active development and may go through several iterations before becoming stable.

Version 22.5.0 had a serious bug in it that has been fixed by v22.5.1. Make sure you use that version (or later) when trying out node:sqlite!

I don’t recommend building your startup on it!

Getting Started

As of the time of writing, the documentation does not yet mention that you need to have the --experimental-sqlite passed to Node.js in order to use the SQLite module.

Without the --experimental-sqlite argument, you will get this error: No such built-in module: node:sqlite.

To use the SQLite module, you will need to require/import node:sqlite. As with other recent modules like the test runner, there is no sqlite module. You must import it using the node: prefix.

This indicates that the module is built into Node and other modules cannot overwrite it.

const { DatabaseSync } = require('node:sqlite');

Opening a Database

To set up a new sqlite connection, you’ll need to instantiate the DatabaseSync class. To do this you can either pass it a path to a file. If the file does not exist, it will automatically be created for you.

Alternatively, you can use :memory: to just use the database in memory, without writing to a file.

const { DatabaseSync } = require('node:sqlite');

const fileDatabase = new DatabaseSync('/path/to/a/database.sqlite');

const memoryDatabase = new DatabaseSync(':memory:');

By default the connection with be automatically opened when the DatabaseSync class has been instantiated. However, if you pass, as the second argument, { open: false }. Then the database will not automatically be opened.

In this case, you will need to open the database connection yourself using .open().

Closing a Database

After a database connection has been opened, you can then close it by using the .close() of the DatabaseSync class.

Once closed, the database connection cannot be used again until it has been re-opened.

Executing SQL

There are two ways to execute SQL statements, either using .exec() or .prepare().

The .exec() function simply executes the passed SQL. It does not protect against SQL injections and is best used with data that you control. For example, from a hard-coded string or read from a file.

.exec() does not return any results.

It is recommended to use .exec() sparingly and use .prepare() for most of your needs.

Prepared Statements

Other than .exec() there is the .prepare() function. This function creates a prepared statement that you can then use to execute SQL against the database.

The returned StatementSync object can be used to execute multiple SQL queries using passed parameters.

For example:

const statement = database.prepare('INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (?, ?, ?)');
statement.run(1, 2, 'abc');
statement.run(3, 4, 'def');

The above example will insert two rows into the table using the same prepared statement, but different parameters.

The .run() method executes the statement and returns a summary of the changes. The variables passed into the .run() function must match the number of parameters specified by the SQL you created. In the above example, there are three ?, meaning we need to supply 3 parameters.

Getting Back Results

Now that there is data in our SQLite table, we will need to be able to retrieve that data.

There are two methods to return data from a prepared statement, .get() and .all(). The .get() method will return a single result as an object, while .all() will return multiple result objects.

The objects returned by both functions will have keys defined by the database columns.

For example:

const allStatement = database.prepare('SELECT * FROM table_name');
console.log(allStatement.all()); // Returns something like [{ id: ... }, { id: ... }]

const getStatement = database.prepare(`SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE id=?`);
console.log(getStatement.get(1)); // Returns something like { id: ... }

As with the .run() function, both .get() and .all() will accept a number of parameters as needed by the prepared statement.

Further Reading

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